HUGE NEWS – WoolTribe is an official nominee for Coolest Thing Made in North Carolina by the NC Chamber!
WHAT DOES THIS MEAN? There are three rounds of voting. The winner gets a HUGE publicity package. Our beanie and nomination would not have happened without the support of friends and family members – like YOU!
VOTE DAILY now thru 8/29 for the FIRST round!
HOW CAN YOUR COMPANY HELP? Share this! Everywhere you can! On social media and in email, and any other way possible, and ask your friends, family members (and approachable strangers) to vote by sharing the voting link too! It takes a community to make things happen! Help us show everyone how community works!
WHAT’S AT STAKE: Here’s the info about the prize package – and we want to include you in all of this!
The company that manufactures the winning product will receive:
- The Coolest Thing Made in NC trophy
- Coordinated media outreach promoting your win
- The official “Coolest Thing Made in NC” winner badge to be placed on company website
- Recognition and profile on The Coolest Thing Made in NC website
- An exclusive “Behind the Business” profile sent to thousands of NC Chamber readers
- Recognition in Business North Carolina magazine
- An exclusive profile in the NC Manufacturing Extension Partnership’s newsletter
- An invitation to participate in the NC Manufacturing Extension Partnership’s Podcast, “Clocking In”
- An exclusive meeting with the NC Chamber President and CEO to discuss business priorities
As always, we appreciate the support of every person who has made it possible for us to do what we love - create beautiful products for people to wear, enjoy, and use!
Sheri and Ladianne, Co-Founders and owners of WoolTribe & WoolTribe Yarn